Meet the world’s first-ever Natural Asset Technician, Michelle Lewis of the Town of Gibsons! The role is similar to that of an Engineering Technician and works as a member of the Infrastructure Services department but is focused on natural assets/systems rather than engineered assets.
While many other local governments are already accounting for their natural assets, they’re doing so from an environmental or sustainability lens whereas Gibsons’ Natural Asset Technician ensures natural assets are woven through every single department including their financial, building, and planning departments.
“The role reflects the Town’s commitment to integrate natural asset management into our decision-making, planning and operations,” said Emanuel Machado, Chief Administrative and Chief Resiliency Officer, Town of Gibsons.
“The role is centered on the core principles of asset management, ecology and financial planning, and is working to develop management plans for all of our natural assets within the Gibsons watershed.”
Source: Municipal Asset Management Initiative