A Guide to Human Flourishing
Are you a civic leader or engaged citizen seeking to build community culture that leads to human well-being?
Take this 4 week instructor-led course at your own convenience, according to your schedule. Each of the 4 week lessons becomes available on Mondays beginning April 25th. The course materials will be available for an additional 6 months after, as a self-directed course. There will be two optional Zoom 'meet & greets' to discuss the course material and your journey during the course.
Graduates receive a certificate from the global Charter Education Institute, Charter for Compassion

Our capacity to collaborate and innovate together has been undermined by the increase in incivility, toxic behaviour and divisiveness in our homes, schools, workplaces, and the public square. This erodes our sense of belonging, community, and well-being.
We need each other to address the complex challenges facing our communities and our cities – from aging infrastructure to climate change, homelessness, mental health and addiction issues among many others.
To thrive, our communities depend on our ability to revive the art of living and working well together. In this thought-provoking and inspiring course, you’ll be taken on a journey from “Bullyville”, a broken, toxic and divided community to “Sustainaville”, a safe, inclusive, thriving and resilient community.
The successful journey includes a renewal of pro-social human values and practices rooted in compassion, secular ethics, civic education and systemic culture transformation.
Compassionate cities are made up of compassionate people. This course orients you and then provides you with practical tools to be the change.
This course includes:
Four self-guided learning sessions, with instructor’s daily response to questions and comments
Two optional live-chat sessions with the instructor
Inspiring and thought-provoking videos
Personal values assessment and worksheets
Excerpts of the instructor’s book Save Your City: How Toxic Culture Kills Community & What To Do About It
Access to like-minded people from around the world
Course Goals:
Become intentional about fostering love-based cultures of compassion.
Ability to discern where a community stands on the spectrum of culture.
Gain understanding of how fear-based communities tear at the social fabric, diminishing human well-being and flourishing.
Cultivate values-based, purpose-driven, servant leadership.
Identify your sphere of influence and how you can best impact community culture.
Consider the characteristics of community culture that can support human wellbeing, our democracy and our planet.
Enhanced understanding of local government, civic leadership, citizen responsibilities and collaborative possibilities.
Learn about the Compassionate Cities movement and supporting initiatives.
Part 1: Welcome to the City Gates
Diagnosing community culture (spectrum)
Root causes and triggers of incivility and toxic culture
Impact of cultural poisoning
Coping mechanisms for surviving uncivil society
Part 2: Join the Civic Renaissance
Offering sanctuary, fostering psychological safety
Past and present visions of human flourishing
Science of well-being and compassion
Tipping point for cultural transformation
Part 3 : One Ship, One Destiny
Navigating turbulent waters and collective challenges facing communities
The culture iceberg, appreciating interdependence and systems change
Shared purpose, social unity and civic resilience
Trust, inclusion, solidarity and The Golden Rule
Part 4: Compassionate Cities are made up of Compassionate People
Be intentional about culture
Global call for a values revolution
Measure well-being
Revival of civic education that includes social-emotional learning
Declaring and building your Compassionate City​
About the Course Instructor
Diane Kalen-Sukra, MA, CMC is a leading culture transformation expert, advisor to cities, speaker, author and educator. She was born with the gift of encouragement and desire for everyone to meet their potential. Her core belief is that as social beings, we flourish in healthy, sustainable communities where good governance, servant leadership and compassionate culture support the well-being of all.
Over the past 25 years, this inspiration has taken Diane to countless communities in leadership roles from national television producer, documentary maker, community organizer to multi-award winning municipal Chief Administrative Officer.
She is a certified culture transformation consultant with the Barrett Values Centre & compassionate integrity facilitator with Life University's Centre for Compassion, Integrity & Secular Ethics. She is also a media commentator and widely published writer.

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