Did you know that this year the Digital Civility Index measured the highest levels of incivility in both tone and tenor since the survey began in 2016? Every day is a good day to remember that there are people behind the screen. And wherever there are people, the Golden Rule applies. Join the #Challenge4Civility. #TuesdayTip
According to the 2020 index, the most painful acts of incivility stemmed from:
~ damage to professional reputation (84%)
~ discrimination (81%)
~ personal reputation (81%)
~ online harassment (79%) and
~ cyber-bullying (78%).
What topics drive online incivility?
Physical appearance and politics are the primary drivers of online incivility, with 31% of all respondents pointing to both of these two topics as problematic. Sexual orientation was close behind at 30%, while religion and race came in at 26% and 25% respectively.
In Canada, physical appearance (24%) was considered to drive the most incivility, followed by race (22%), sexual orientation (21%), politics (21%), and religion (20%).
Here are some tips to practice the Golden Rule on social media: