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Trust is key to fostering healthy community

The General Social Survey reports that the share of the population that says “most people can be trusted” has fallen from a majority in the 1970s, to less than 1/3rd today.

This Meeting of the Minds article by Daniel Rice rightfully asks: Without #trust, how can our society function? Without trust, how can our #democracy flourish? Without trust, how can we develop a shared vision so our communities can prosper?

#Trust can be best rebuilt at the local level, one interaction, one collaboration at a time. Fear-based communities or workplaces characterized by “us vs. them” divisions, petty jealousies and malicious gossip will need to develop conscious pockets of cultural resistance & safety to allow trust to be built.

This article provides some practical ideas and actions to foster trust and build healthy community through reimagining public spaces. Read:



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